The Social Network for meeting new people
  • Ningtyas


    9311 times


    Happiness depend upon ourselves

    December 18, 2006



  • About Me

    • Do You Know a Disabled Person? Disabled persons are the same, they are like you and me Ignore the difference, please - and you will clearly see; Listen, laugh, help, walk, talk and just 'be there'. Isolation common, show this one you really care. When walking in a public place, yes, smile and do not stare Open up a door and help this one to reach, 'way up there' Casual conversation, observations share with them. Bring some joy to the structured day and never condemn.

    • PT. Warner Lambert Indonesia (Pharmacy : 1998-2001), PT.Pfizer Indonesia (Pharmacy : 2001-2005), PT. ProtransIndonesia (Forwarding : 2005), Widyawan & Partners - Allens Arthur Robinson (Legal Services : 2005-Now), PT. Saka Gading Utama (Designing : 2006-Now)

    • To have a small house whiches unique and natural for spending the life times together with "my love" until close my eyes. To be a good mother for my child who being a motivation in my life...He is my hero. If the die is come true I want to placed in NIRWANA (heaven) with peaceful...more roses...more other flowers....and giving the last smile to someone who loving & caring about me.

    • Tax & Accounting

    • Reading,cooking and gardening

    • I was born on April 1980 in Yogyakarta.For 18 years living at that town and gone to Jakarta on 1998 after finishing Economic High School at SMETANOVA. I'm old daughter from My parents. I have youngest sister and no brother. Since my age seven months, my grandmother taking and caring me. To completing of my biography, would you please to ask me.... Thank you.

    • Love is being happy for the other person when they are happy being sad for the other person when they are sad being together in good times and being together in bad times Love is the source of strength Love is being honest with yourself at all times being honest with the other person at all times telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending Love is the source of reality Love is an understanding that is so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person accepting the other person just the way they are and not trying to change them to be something else Love is the source of unity Love is the freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person the growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual Love is the source of success Love is the excitement of planning things together the excitement of doing things together Love

    • Tutup mata hatimu dari kebencian, jangan selalu gelisah, hiduplah dengan kesederhanaan, pengeluaran yang terbatas, memberi yang banyak, selalu bernyanyi, selalu berdo'a, lupakan masa lalu...selalu berpikir dengan perasaan, beri perasaan hatimu dengan cinta seperti matahari yang akan terbit...semua itu merupakan lingkaran emas dari kehidupan yang pasti akan berhasil. Kawan-kawan adalah perhiasan yang langka. Mereka membuatmu tertawa dan memberimu semangat. Mereka bersedia mendengarkan jika itu kau perlukan, mereka menunjang dan membuka hatimu. Tunjukkanlah kepada teman-temanmu betapa kau menyukai mereka "Keindahan persahabatan adalah bahwa kamu tahu kepada siapa kamu dapat mempercayakan rahasia" (Alessandro Manzoni). Berilah kepada orang lebih dari yang mereka harapkan, dan lakukan secara bijaksana. Bila kau tidak mendapatkan apa yang kau inginkan, mungkin saja itu keberuntunganmu Jika kau ditanya sesuatu yang tak ingin kau jawab, senyumlah,tanya:"Mengapa kamu mau tau?"