The Social Network for meeting new people

Alabamas Finest People of African Decent


    This group is created for those ladies and gentlemen of color that have True Self Pride and would like to mentally build on that topic, plus more, with other like minded ladies and gentlemen that live in the Great State of Alabama. The common goal of this group is to unite all those ladies and gentlemen, of color, in discussion and meaningful contributions to try and heal the mindset of a people and culture in a positive way. Resulting, Alabama's People of African Decent Pride. Creating a better State of Mind, as a whole. Please note: This group is for positive, optimistic, intellectual, mentally stimulating discussions. Opinions and Views should be respected as just that. In regards to different opinions any form of prejudice, or disrespect shall be deemed as grounds for group membership termination, and may lead to more severe actions. May you all enjoy each others minds, and grow from it. Alabama's Finest People of Color! Stand Up, and be Heard! May GOD Guide and Protect You All!

    Culture and Community - North America - Causes




