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    Tremere Head of the Clan and the House, Tremere reportedly spends most of his time in torpor, awakening occasionally to issue orders or silently roam the corridors of the ancient Vienna chantry. Tall, dark-browed and foreboding, it is said that no move is made within Tremere's clan without this fearsome undead knowing about it. His interwoven system of spies and agents, who report to him through the chain of command, is said to be implemented by clairvoyant spells cast by the magus before he slips into torpor. Others say he uses magic to see and hear through the eyes and ears of his seven Inner Councilors. Others think that he physically possesses their bodies, impersonating the Councilors and acting in their stead. The worst rumors, of course, state that the vampire Tremere has somehow changed into something entirely different.

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    Dark Prince(ss)Tremere Clan Kindred