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Empowering Women - End of Elizabeth CB DC Bid


    Friends, we lost it so I am sending out best wishes to the many friends from the area, it seems that the people of SC would rather have scum, as long as it is their scum, rather than make progress. Do take care, David ________________________________________ EMPOWER WOMEN? Women are a great and integral force of the world and the agent for good changes to the world, let us love and protect every one of them as our sisters. Let us give them the support of freedom to choose their own fate, just as men have. Thanks for Reading and hope that you will join and stay with us. We hope to End violence against women and racism. I do seek group leadership from all of the women members. This Group was dedicated to getting a good lady into the US Congress and then have her represent all the people of South Carolina and not just the GOOD OLD BOYS. Putting more women in power will end gender and race discrimination and end violence against women in all of America.

    Culture and Community - North America - Causes





    Sheila B