The Social Network for meeting new people

WOMAN ONLY-- Who Would Not Be Affraid To Date A Disabled MAN


    I created this site to just c how many women would not be afraid to date or have a relationship or even get married to a handicapped MAN. Because we are handicapped doe's not not mean that we can't be affectionate, tender, caring, considerate, touchable, passionate & truthful more than most guys & committed to the friend, partner, lover or wife they are with. It is tough enough for disabled guys/woman to meet people because we feel like like we are outcasts already. We are not dead yet, just because we can't walk, we can still think & have feelings. And women/men need to look over the fact that we are disabled & feel what is in our minds, our souls and hearts & get over the looks, looks are not everything, but I guess it help some. I think that most disabled men/woman are caring, passionate, considerate then 1's that are not disabled, because we find it tough to go to public places to meet a possible relationship in a bar, single club. & WOULD DATING A HANDICAPPED MAN INCLUDE ME.

    Romance and Relationships - Singles/Dating - Bisexual



